TI2-E Inverted Microscope (Nikon) with NIS Elements imaging
software; two re-scanning units for the Near
Infrared wavelength range with spatial
resolution of 240 nm (RCM-NIR) and for visible wavelength range with spatial resolution of 170 nm (RCM-VIS), respectively; RCM-NIR unit is equiped with laser diodes at 640
and 785 nm and Hamamtsu Orca Flash 4.0 v3 CCD camera; RCM-VIS unit is equiped
with laser diode at 488 nm and PCO EDGE 4.2 CCD camera; epi-fluorescence
extension with LED sources and filters: white LED, DAPI - DAPI-50LP filter, FITC - FITC-3540C filter, MCHERRY-40LP filter, LED
- LED-Cy5 filter; objectives: CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 10x, CFI Plan
Apochromat Lambda 20x, PA L 40x, CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 60x Oil, CFI Plan
Apochromat Lambda 100x Oil.