Interdisciplinary Physics Laboratory (former Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique), Grenoble, France
ENS de Lyon, Laboratoire de Chimie, Lyon, France (Dr. Patrice Baldeck, Prof. Dr. Stephane Parola, Conf. Dr. Frederic Lerouge)
Laboratoire CSPBAT, Equipe Spectroscopies Biomolécules et Milieux Biologiques, Paris, France (Dr. Marc Lamy de la Chapelle, Dr Nadia Djaker)
Le laboratoire Interfaces Traitements Organisation et DYnamique des Systèmes – ITODYS, Paris, France (Prof. Nordin Felidj)
l’Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, Le Mans, France (Prof. Marc Lamy de la Chapelle)
Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, Messina, Italy (Prof. Anna Piperno)
Institute of Physical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp), Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jenaer Biochip Initiative (Dr. Dana Cialla), Jena, Germany
Department of Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology Laboratory, Amravati, Maharashtra, India (Prof. Dr. Mahendra Rai)
Department of Clinical Science, Bergen, Norway (Prof. Dr. Emmet McCormack)
Ulm, Germany (Dr. Ute Schmidt)
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, Lille, France (Prof. Sabine Szunerits)
School of Materials and National Graphene Institute, Manchester, UK (Dr. Maria Iliuț)
Department of Materials, London, UK (Prof. Dr. Natalie Stingelin)