Daria-Ioana Stoia

PhD student

Research Interests

Daria Ioana Stoia is a a 2nd year PhD student in Physics and a member of the NLMC group for 5 years, where she has realized both her bachelor's and master's thesis. Her ongoing research interest is focused on three different topics. The first one is based on the development, physical-chemical characterization, and in vitro phototherapeutic assay of gold bipyramidally-shaped nanoparticles functionalized graphene nanomaterials; a project in collaboration with the ChiBioFarma department of the University of Messina, Italy. Moreover, she focuses on the development and implementation of an efficient antibacterial smart-wound patch based on antimicrobial peptides-functionalized gold nanoparticles, promoting soft tissue and wound healing. Finally, her latest research interest focuses on the development and implementation of a gold nanoparticle-based aptasensor, able to act both as SERS-based and MEF-based biosensors for specific cardiac biomarker detection.

Thus, in her years of work, she gained knowledge and expertise in developing and implementing organic and inorganic nanomaterials as biosensors, photothermal and fluorescent agents.



  • Synthesis, optimization and spectroscopic characterization of protein-based nanoparticles, hybrid polymeric microcapsules and graphen-based nanomaterials.
  • Biofunctionalization of Nanoparticles/Microcapsules for targeted delivery, dual therapy and fluorescent contrast agents.
  • Design of spherical gold nanoparticles with tunable LSPR response as efficient phototherapeutic agents. 
  • Spectroscopic techniques: UV-Vis spectroscopy, steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy, DLS, Zeta potential, Raman spectroscopy and SERS. 
  • Optical microscopy: conventional fluorescence microscopy. 

International visibility

  • Co-author of 5 ISI articles, three as main author
  • Co-author of a book chapter in World Scientific Publishing
  • 16 international conference participation 
  • Key member in 4 national research projects

Most Relevant Publications

Recent Advances Towards Point-of-Care Devices for Fungal Detection: Emphasizing the Role of Plasmonic Nanomaterials in Current and Future Technologies, D. Stoia, L. De Sio, F. Petronella, M. Focsan, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024

NIR phtothermal-activable drug-conjugated microcapsules for in vitro targeted delivery and release: an alternative treatment of diabetic retinopathy, D. Stoia, M. Nistor, M. Suciu, R. Borlan, A. Campu, D. Rugina, D. Maniu, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Int. J. Pharm, 2023.

Hybrid polymeric therapeutic microcarriers for thermoplasmonic-triggered release of resveratrol, D. Stoia, R. Pop, A. Campu, M. Nistor, S. Astilean, A. Pintea, M. Suciu, D. Rugina, M. Focsan, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022.

Fluorescent Phthalocyanine-Encapsulated Bovine Serum Albumin Nanoparticles : Their Deployment as Therapeutic Agents in the NIR Region, R. Borlan, D. Stoia, L. Gaina, A. Campu, G. Marc, M. Perde-Schrepler, M. Silion, D. Maniu, M. Focsan and S. Astilean, Molecules 2021.

Antibody-functionalized theranostic protein nanoparticles for the synergistic deep red fluorescence imaginbg and multimodal therapy of ovarian cancer, R. Borlan, M. Focsan, M. Perde-Schrepler, O. Soritau, A. Campu, L. Gaina, E. Pall, B. Pop, O. Baldasici, C. Gherman, D. Stoia, D.Maniu and S. Astilean, Biomater. Sci., 2021.