Laurențiu-Constantin Șușu

PhD Student

Research Interests

Currently he is a PhD student and 4-year member of the NLMC group, where he realized his bachelor and master thesis. His expertise involves synthesis of colloidal gold nanorods with tunable longitudinal response, as well as their spectroscopic and morphologic characterizations. His main research topic consists of immobilization of gold nanoparticles on paper-based substrates for fabricating efficient low-cost nanosensing platfroms. He is also invoved in the investigation of inorganic nanostructures, with tunable and enhaced NIR emission, for applications as fluorescent contrast agents.


  • Synthesis, fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanostructures (gold nanorods) in solution as well as their immobilization on paper-based substrates for fabricating efficient low-cost biosensors.
  • Synthesis and investigation of inorganic nanoparticles with tunable and enhaced NIR emission for applications as fluorescent contrast agents.

International visibility

  • Co-author of 3 ISI and 1 Non-ISI article, from which 2 as main author, generating a Hirsch Index of 2 (Scholar), 1 (WoS); citations: 4 (Scholar), 4 (WoS)
  • Main author to 2 international conference presentations and co-author to an additional 5 international conference communications.

For more information, please consult:

ORCID: 0000-0002-1852-2013

BrainMap: U-1900-061C-8477

Google Scholar:


Phone: +40765527913

Most Relevant Publications

Scientific Articles: 

Designing Efficient Low-Cost Paper-Based Sensing Plasmonic Nanoplatforms , L. Susu, A. Campu, A. M. Craciun, A. Vulpoi, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Sensors, 18 (2018) 3035

Multimodal Biosensing on Paper-Based Platform Fabricated by Plasmonic Calligraphy Using Gold Nanobipyramids Ink , A. Campu, L. Susu, F. Orzan, D. Maniu, A.M. Craciun, A. Vulpoi, L. Roiban, M. Focsan, S. Astilean, Front. Chem, 7 (2019) 55

Calligraphed Selective Plasmonic Arrays on Paper Platforms for Complementary Dual Optical "ON/OFF Switch" Sensing, L. Susu, A. Campu, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Nanomaterials, 10 (2020) 1025

Poster Presentations:

L. Susu, A. Campu, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Designing Efficient Low Cost Paper-based Sensing Nanoplatforms, IC-ANMBES, 23-25 Mai 2018, Brașov, Romania

L. Susu, A. Campu, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Calligraphed plasmonic lines on paper operating as a miniaturized portable biosensing device, Molecular Plasmonics, 23-25 Mai 2019, Jena, Germany